Thursday, January 6, 2011

Interlibrary loan

ILL is a funny old thing. Wouldnt it be great if all the needy deserving people out there knew about it? The ones who understand the term "due date" that is. Its possible to borrow just about ANY book because some library somewhere will have it and will be willing to share it.

On the other hand, there are some underlying realities and attitudes amongst borrowers that sabotage the system - to death, in my opinion.

The library exists to support the corporate mission, some movers and shakers have a project and need stuff NOW. No budget for book purchases, no charge for library services, so lets get this, this, this and this. Renew, renew.... "What book?"

Unlike regular library loans, where the computer applies the rules and we all blame it for saying "no" and "pay up", ILL Officers get to liaise with other ILL officers in a complex system of give and take. In my job, its mostly take... I am in a state of oblige-ed-ness a lot of the time.